河南红星选矿设备 联系电话:0371-67772626
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pyf系列圆锥破碎机广泛应用在冶金工业、建材工业、筑路工业、化学工业与硅酸工业中、适用于破碎中等和中等以上硬度的各种矿石和岩本,具有破碎力度大效率高、处理量高、动作 调节方便、使用经济等特点。由于零件选材与结构设计合理,故使用寿命长,而且破碎产品的粒度均匀,减少了循环负荷,在中、大规格破碎机中,采用了液压清腔系统减少了停机的时间,且每种规格的破碎机腔型多,用户可以根据不同的需要,选择不同的腔型,以更好的适应用户的需求。本机密封采用润滑脂密封,避免了给水及排水系统易堵塞的弊 及水油易混合的缺陷,弹簧保险系统是过载保护装置,可合异物、铁块通过破碎腔而不危害破碎机。本机分为标准型合短头型,一般而言,标准型给料粒度大,排料粒度也比较粗,短头型的破碎机较陡,给料粒度小,有利于生产细粒级的物料。故标准一般用于粗、中碎,短头型用于中、细碎。


      pyf  series compound cone crusher widely used in metallurgical industry, building materials industry , road building industry ,chemical industry and industrial acid,applied to middle-and middle-broken over the hardness of ore and rock ,this machine has broken force ,height efficiency,hight capacity,low cost movements ,to  facilitate adjustment, the use of economic, and other characteristics . as part of rational design and material selection, the long sevice life , and compound cone crusher of   broken uniform size , reduces the  load cycle , in the medium and large-size stone crushing machine ,using a hydraullic-chamber system.reducing dowmtime ,and eache specification   of the cavity-breakers, according to different user needs ,choose a different type cavith, to better adapt to user needs .the use of   grease-sealed sealed to prevent the water supply and drainage systems easy to plug the shortcomings of the oil-water mixture and the shortcomings ,the insurance   system is the spring overload device, a foreign body , broken through the iron cavity  without endangering crusher .the plane is divided into standard and short-head ,in general, the standard size-feeding.nesting size also coarse,short-head over the steep broken cone ,feeding small size is conducive to prduction of fine-grained grade materials ,the standard generally userd for rough, broken ,short for the first type ,grinding.


型号 破碎锥直径
主轴摆动次数 总重量
pyb 600 600 65 12-25 40 30 356 5 2234×1370×1675
pyd 35 3-13 12-23 5.5 2234×1370×1675
pyb 900 900 115 15-50 50-90 55 333 11.2 2692×1640×2350
pyz 60 5-20 20-65 11.2 2692×1640×2350
pyd 50 3-13 15-50 11.3 2692×1640×2350
pyb 1200 1200 145 20-50 110-168 110 300 24.7 2790×1878×2844
pyz 100 8-25 42-135 25 2790×1878×2844
pyd 50 3-15 18-105 25.3 2790×1878×2844
pyb 1750 1750 215 25-50 280-480 160 245 50.3 3910×2894×3809
pyz 185 10-30 115-320 50.3 3910×2894×3809
pyd 85 5-13 75-230 50.2 3910×2894×3809
pyb 2200 2200 300 30-60 59-1000 280-260 220 80 4622×3302×4470
pyz 230 10-30 200-580 80 4622×3302×4470
pyd 100 5-15 120-340 81.4 4622×3302×4470


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