河南红星选矿设备 联系电话:0371-67772626
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  this type of flotation machine is formed by u through solid, hollow shaft inflation, suspension rotor and new type impeller. the cone impeller lean backwards, the blending quantity is big and the pressure head is small, the advantages are: simple structure and low energy consumption. inside the impeller, there is air distributor, which distributes air into most parts of impeller evenly.
  when flotation machine works, slurry is inhaled from the bottom of the trough to the space between impellers. meanwhile, the low_pressure air send by fan is sent to this area through the air distributor in the hollow shaft. after sufficient mixing, the slurry is pushed out by the impeller, and then goes to the whole trough. when the froth rises to the stable level, after the enrichment processing, froth overflows to the froth trough from the overflow weir. another part of ore slurry flows to lower part of impeller for the re-mis with air. the remained slurry flows to the next trough until becomes residue.


型号 kyf-1 kyf-2 kyf-3 kyf-4 kyf-8 kyf-16 kyf-24 kyf-38
槽体尺寸 长(mm) 1000 1300 1600 1800 2200 2800 3100 3600
宽(mm) 1000 1300 1600 1800 2200 2800 3100 3600
高(mm) 1100 1250 1400 1500 1950 2400 2900 3400
单效重量(kg) 1056 1419 1885 2206 3600 5900 9830 15097
有效容积(m³) 1 2 3 4 8 16 24 38
生产能力(按矿浆体积计算)(m³/min) 0.2-1 0.4-2 0.6-3 1.2-4 3—8 4—16 4—24 10—38
主轴电动机 型号 y132m1-6 y160m2-8 y160l-8 y180l-8 y200l-8 y250m-8 y250m-8 y280s-8
功率(kw) 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 30 30 37
转速(r/min) 960 720 720 970 730 730 730 740
叶轮 直径(mm) 340 410 480 550 630 740 800 880
高度(mm) 215 256 300 340 390 460 545
转速(r/min) 281 247 219 200 175 160 150 138
圆周速度(m/s) 5 5.3 5.5 5.76 5.77 6.7 6.25 6.36
刮板电动机 型号 y90s-4 y90s-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4
功率(kw) 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
转速(r/min) 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
刮板 转速(r/min) 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16
直径(mm) 500 500 580 600 600 700 700 500
鼓风机风压(kpa) ≥12.6 ≥14.7 ≥19.8 ≥19.8 ≥21.6 ≥25.5 ≥30.4 ≥34.3
充气量(m³/㎡·min) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


型号 kyf-1 kyf-2 kyf-3 kyf-4 kyf-8 kyf-16 kyf-24 kyf-38
槽体尺寸 长(mm) 1000 1300 1600 1800 2200 2800 3100 3600
宽(mm) 1000 1300 1600 1800 2200 2800 3100 3600
高(mm) 1100 1250 1400 1500 1950 2400 2900 3400
单效重量(kg) 1056 1419 1885 2206 3600 5900 9830 15097
有效容积(m³) 1 2 3 4 8 16 24 38
生产能力(按矿浆体积计算)(m³/min) 0.2-1 0.4-2 0.6-3 1.2-4 3—8 4—16 4—24 10—38
主轴电动机 型号 y132m1-6 y160m2-8 y160l-8 y180l-8 y200l-8 y250m-8 y250m-8 y280s-8
功率(kw) 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 30 30 37
转速(r/min) 960 720 720 970 730 730 730 740
叶轮 直径(mm) 340 410 480 550 630 740 800 880
高度(mm) 215 256 300 340 390 460 545
转速(r/min) 281 247 219 200 175 160 150 138
圆周速度(m/s) 5 5.3 5.5 5.76 5.77 6.7 6.25 6.36
刮板电动机 型号 y90s-4 y90s-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4 y90l-4
功率(kw) 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
转速(r/min) 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
刮板 转速(r/min) 18 18 16 16 16 16 16 16
直径(mm) 500 500 580 600 600 700 700 500
鼓风机风压(kpa) ≥12.6 ≥14.7 ≥19.8 ≥19.8 ≥21.6 ≥25.5 ≥30.4 ≥34.3
充气量(m³/㎡·min) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2