河南红星选矿设备 联系电话:0371-67772626
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该浮选机由电动机三角代传动带动叶轮旋转,产生离心作用形成负压,一方面吸入充足的空气与矿浆混合,一方面搅拌矿浆与 物混合,同时细化泡沫,使矿物粘合泡沫之上,浮到矿浆面再形成矿化泡沫。调节闸板高度,控制液面,使有用泡沫被刮板刮出。

  this machine is applicable for the separation of nonferrous metal and ferrous metal and nonmetal, such as fluorite and talc.

  the impeller is driven by v-belts, which can bring the centrifugal effect to form the negative pressure. on the one hand, to inhale sufficient air to mix with ore pulp; on the other hand to stir ore pulp and mix with medication to form the mineralized froth. to adjust the height of flashboard to control the liquid level and make the useful froth scraped by loam board.

  开机前应先 各部位螺栓,停机起动前应先手动代轮旋转,以防沉淀物淤积增加电动机负荷,工作时应细心调整闸门高度,使液面保持稳定,随时将矿浆液面上的矿化泡沫刮入流槽。叶轮与定子应保持一定的间距,磨损时应注意更换,泵体内轴承每三 要保养一次。
  to check the bolts before starting the machine and to use hand instead of impellers to prevent the sediment from adding the burden of electromotor. to adjust the height of strobe carefully to keep the stabilization of liquid level and scrape the mineralized froth to the launder. the impellers and stators should have a distance and should be changed when they are worn. the bearing in the pump should be maintained every three months.
  easy wear parts: impellers and stators 



型号 sf0.37 sf0.7 sf1.2 sf2.8 sf4 sf8
槽体容积(m3) 0.37 0.7 1.2 2.8 4 8
叶轮直径(mm) 300 350 450 550 650 t60
生产能力(m3/min) 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.9 0.6-1.2 1.5-3.5 0.5-4 4-8
叶轮转速(m3/min) 352 400 312 268 238 191
电动机 型号 ①y90l-4 ①y100l2-4 ①y132m2-6 ①y160l-6 ①y180l-6 ①y250m-8
②y90s-4 ②y90s-4 ②y90s-4 ②y90s-4 ②y90l-4 ②y100l-6
功率(kw) ①1.5 ①3 ①5.5 ①11 ①15 ①30
②1.1 ②1.1 ②1.1 ②1.1 ②1.5 ②1.5
外型尺寸(mm) 700×700×750 900×820×950 1100×1100×1100 1700×1600×1150 1850×2050×1200 2200×2900×1400
单槽重量(kg) 468 600 1373 2338 2660 4486


型号说明 xjk-0.35(3a) xjk-0.62(4a) xjk-1.1(5a) xjk-2.8(6a) xjk-5.8(7a)
有效容积(m3) 0.35 0.62 1.1 2.8 5.8
生产能力(m3/min) 0.18~0.4 0.3~0.9 0.6~1.6 1.5~3.5 3~7
转速(r/min) 470 400 330 280 240
叶轮直径(mm) 300 350 500 600 750
配套电机 型号 转子 y90l-4 y100l2-4 y132m2-6 y160l-6 y200l2-6(y225m-6)
刮板 y90s-4 y90s-4 y90s-4 y90s-4 y90l-4
功率(kw) 叶轮电机 1.5 3 5.5 11 22(30)
刮板电机 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.5
重量:(t/单槽) 0.43 0.86 1.38 2.33 3.533